Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HAIT?: BloodSport Returns!

Kumite!  Kumite!

This is 50% awesome, 50% unbelievable and 50% heartbreaking.  The undisputed best film of Jean Claude Van Damme's career is supposedly getting a remake.  No word as to if JCVD himself will be making an appearance.

Bloodsport Remake gets some legitimate talent

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Videogames as Art. Literally!

Following my last post, I was already content with my favorite hobby.  Then I read this wonderful news:
80 video games selected for Smithsonian art exhibit

Now I can say with a certain amount of factual clout that Videogames are indeed, Art.  Word.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gamer does more with $25 than I have done with my life.

Many people seem to brush off videogames, their designers, and quite sadly the entire concept of the videogame industry as a type of poison or mind-numbing distraction for our younger generation.  I could sit here and rattle off countless breakthroughs in game design that have benefited education and society, or explain how the niche high-end PC gamer has pushed technology forward more than any Apple-teat sucking technophile has ever done.  But I will not.  I will instead merely point to this article, detailing the creation of a tiny computer that will usher in a new era for those not fortunate enough to be able to afford that shiny new iPad.

$25 USB Computer

Yes, the project seems to have been headed up by a very prominent videogame creator.  Bless his heart, Mr. Braben has an impressive catalogue of games that stress interaction and creativity.

At this moment I am proud to be a fellow gamer.

Because Lazers make everything better

Things that have benefitted from lazers (yes, with a 'z' cause it looks cooler):
Science Fiction
Powerpoint presentations
Music Concerts

And now, my dancing.